Academic Enrichment
The total development of your child is our main goal.
Early Learning
​Here at Oma's we follow the GELDS (Georgia Early Learning Development Curriculum).
The first years of life are critical for later outcomes.
By defining the desired content and outcomes of young children’s education, early learning standards can lead to greater opportunities for positive development and learning in these early years.
They build discussion and consensus between stakeholder groups (teachers, families, child-advocacy groups, policy-makers, etc.)
Why Early Learning Standards?
• They create statewide consistency about important educational outcomes and opportunities.

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Grant Programs
Here at Oma's Learning Center we take pride in ensuring our children have healthy and nutritious foods. We are able promote this effort with the CACFP ( Child & Adult Care Food Program).
This program affords us the opportunity to play a critical role in supporting the wellness, health, and development of children, older adults, and individuals with disabilities through the provision of nutritious foods.
As a childcare provider we have a powerful opportunity to instill healthy habits in young children that serve as a foundation for healthy choices in life.
​Child Care Assistance
To ensure adequate and affordable childcare for all, Oma's accepts CAPS. CAPS is a parental choice program! Families have the right to make their own choices regarding the type of care, the location of care and the frequency of care. Families who receive CAPS are responsible for paying any additional charges above the state’s maximus rate and must inform CAPS of certain changes within 10 calendar days.